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2020/4/13 23:46:04发布146次查看

iecq-hspm qc080000(电子电器有害物质过程管理体系认证,electrical and electronic components and products hazardous substance process management system requirements)
欧盟指令rohs (2002/95/ec)于2006年7月1日生效,主要针对电子电器中6种对环境有影响的限制物质:铅、镉、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚;rohs指令生效以后,所有电子电器行业生产商必须证明/申明产品符合指令的要求。任何与指令有关的电子电器产品和部件都必须符合指令的要求。为了确保产品的符合性,生产商必须对产品生产过程进行控制和确保采购物料的符合性。因此,生产商会要求他的供应商提供符合性申明。但是,对符合性申明的接受与不接受是客户与供应商之间的信任问题。the european directive rohs (2002/95/ec) comes into force on july 1st, 2006 and aims to forbid (or limit) the presence of 6 substances that are hazardous for the environment (lead, mercury, cadmium, chrome vi, pbb and pbde) in electrical and electronic product.the entire electrical and electronic industry is therefore concerned and must prepare to justify, or demonstrate, the conformity of its products put on the market after the introduction of the directive. the producer of a piece of equipment concerned by the application of the directive must only put on the market products that are compliant, that is to say that do not contain prohibited substances. in order to be certain of the composition of the product, the manufacturer must manage his own production procedures, and also control his purchased materials. for that reason, he can ask his suppliers to provide conformity declarations. but the acceptance of a conformity declaration is above all a question of trust between supplier and client.
为了建立和加强客户与供应商之间的信任,iecq委员会在质量管理体系基础上制定过程管理机制,它完善了物料分析过程,曾强了申明的可信度。qc 080000是对现有iso9001:2000质量管理体系的补充,是一个全面、系统、透明的管理标准,帮助组织达到管制禁用物质的目的。in order to create or to reinforce this relationship of trust, iecq has created a mechanism for process certification, on the model of quality system certification, that completes the analysis of the materials if necessary, and reinforces the credibility of the declaration of conformity of the supplier. qc080000 is a supplement to and exists in concert with the iso 9001-2000 quality management system (qms) framework for the comprehensive, systematic, and transparent management and control of processes pursuant to hsf goals.
标准要求the standard requirements include:
     总要求general requirements
     管理职责management responsibility
     管理评审management review
     资源管理resource management
     产品实现product realization
     设计开发design and development
     验证采购的物料verification of purchased product
     产品和服务production and service
     识别和追溯identification and traceability
     含有有害物质部件的处理handling of hazardous substances parts
     测量、分析和改进measurement, analysis and improvement
导入qc080000的益处benefits from qc080000
降低违反全球日益增多的环保指令的风险reducing the risks of breaking the more and more green directives of the word
降低费用,包括减少产品的检测费用、减少客户审核的次数、减少供应商管理的成本cost down including less frequency of products testing, second part audit and the cost of suppliers management
改善生产管理、供应链管理、仓储管理等,从而有效控制有害物质improving production management ,supply chain management and storage management etc
提升企业充分重视和勇于承担环保责任的形象enhancing reputation of focusing on environmental protection and duty
增强客户信任increasing customers’ trust



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